Donnerstag, 29. Juli 2010

For Everything a Licence

You nearly need for Everything a licence independent of your agreement.

Like today I never thought that a fishing permit would take so much effort.
After a Small Journey through the city I finally got there.
First of all you need to fill in the paperwork and pay for this and that.

small invoice:
tariff rate for course - 46
tariff rate for exam - 43
exercise book - 10
total: 99

Then you get a small introduction about the course of events.
My head turn off while he went on with his speech. ~holidays-symptoms
Before you can take part on the Exam you need to go to these courses where they try to convey you the most important things for fishing or at least how you can pass the exam *g~ hopefully

When you get your fishing permit you need to pay again xx for the certification and some extras.

I think the most thing I need for this is TIME and a bit of LUCK=)

P.S Human life is composed of different things one part is to make life more difficult.


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